
1. Respect my blog
2. No spamming
3. No ripping of anything here
4. Tag before you leave
5. Proper names to be used
6. No Vulgarities
7. NO advertising
~Thank You


Name: Jerrine
Born: Nov 1987
Religion: Buddhist
Stays: West Area
Height: 154cm
Sch: Singapore Polytechnic
Course: CIE Food Tech (DCP)
Hobbies: Lion Dance, Designing & Photography
Contact me at: imjerrine@hotmail.com


what do i put in here?


herCALENDAR 2009

Working days: Monday - Friday
Lion Dance: Every Sunday morning


hurts yet heals..
brings people together..
and may also separate..
I've lost trust in my special one
On the day,
Having the love i wished for..
it's all gone now
in my life.
No words can describe..

no matter what..
cherish Everyone you meet..
Because you never know..
When you will lose them..

...2009 Resolutions...

'Lose 30Kgs by November 2009
'Good Career in Singapore

'improve my communication skills
'learn how to create webpage
'learn how to cook
'learn new things through short courses

-Things i want-
'Silver couple ring with engraving
'Converse shoe
'New Bra
'Swimming suit
'Contact lenses
'Purple or Red crumpler bag
'New specs
'Nice clothings
'more T-shirts
'Driving Lisence
'Get a Degree in Designing
'4 room HDB flat for myself

-Place of visits-
'Marina Barrage
'Botanic Gardens
'Hort park (spice garden)
'Night Safari
'Dolphin Lagoon
'Penang Guan Yin Temple
'Pulau Redang/Trengganu
'New Zealand

-Wishes 2009-
'More time together with parents
'More confidence in myself
'Start a online blogshop or small business
'Have lots of money in my bank..haha
'Perm my hair with big curl
'Pet dog (Golden retriver)
'Go overseas with friends
'Build up my stamina
'Meet New Friends
'Save $50 a month, one year = $600
'Get to work with dogs and puppies^^

'We meet new people in our daily life
'And tend to lose some within seconds
'While some remains FOREVER

'Life has to go on no matter what happen
'Life is said to be torture...
'But there are memorable times...
'So live life to the FuLLeSt!!!

'Do let the past go and live in the PRESENT
'Do take things one thing at a time
'Although sometimes we need to multi-task
'But nothing is IMPOSSIBLE!
'Jia You my Friends

'Everyone has to leave this world
'It's only a matter of time and fate
'Dont feel sad to lose someone
'But feel Happy that you had the..
'Fate to meet that person
'Life is just like gamble
'U might not know when its time for he or she to go
'So treasure everyone u meet
'Including ur PARENTS


*LoVe is n0t aBt finDing soMeonE u cAn liVe wif...

*But findinG some0ne u caNt live wiThout...

*LOVE is a big illusion...

That i sHoulD trY to foRget..

*You aRe wHat maKes mE strOng

*YoU gaVe mE hOpeS

*You gAve mE eNcouRageMents..

*aNd EVEN gAve mE tHe EnCoUrAgEmeNt i neEdeD

...but left me with a broken heart..


*Seok Kian
Her most visit links
*Hok San Lion Dance


  • August 2009
  • September 2009
  • October 2009
  • November 2009
  • December 2009
  • March 2010
  • April 2010
  • May 2010
  • peopleCOMEpeopleGO


    Design and image:
    'Originally designed by Lee Wah!

    bloggingSince...20th August 2006

    Friday, December 04, 2009

    I cannot stand it anymore.
    Why am i born?
    What have i owned them?
    Such self conclusion character is driving me crazy.
    I couldn't take it anymore.
    What you want to do just do.
    I dont care anymore.
    I wont eat with you.
    I wont talk to you.
    I hate myself for now being able to make you a better parent to me.
    I hate myself for being such useless to you.

    My help all come in vain.
    I am no one to you.
    I am just a passerby.
    I am just someone stupid.
    I am just someone who cannot do big things.
    I am someone who cannot be trusted.

    I hate being myself.
    I hate it.
    Let me just go.
    Go to a place where i have no feelings or thoughts.
    One day if i really cant take it,
    I shall just leave everything behind.

    She left a PRINT @ Friday, December 04, 2009;